Could a Vitamin Deficiency be the Cause of Your Anxiety?

Every year, millions of Americans suffer from anxiety. For some, it is a passing feeling of worry or unease. For others, it is a crippling condition that interferes with daily life. While there are many potential causes of anxiety, one that is often overlooked is vitamin deficiency.

Keep reading to learn more about how vitamins and minerals can impact your mood, and what you can do to ensure you're getting enough of the right nutrients.

Vitamins and Minerals for Anxiety Sufferers

There are several vitamins and minerals that play an important role in regulating mood and managing stress levels. If you are deficient in any of these nutrients, it could be contributing to your anxiety. Some vitamins and minerals that are particularly important for anxiety sufferers include:

Vitamin B6:

Vitamin B6 is involved in the production of serotonin, a neurotransmitter that helps regulate mood. A 2010 study found that people with anxiety disorders had lower levels of vitamin B6 than those without anxiety disorders.

Vitamin D:

Vitamin D is sometimes called the "sunshine vitamin" because our bodies produce it when our skin is exposed to sunlight. Vitamin D is important for many functions in the body, including calcium absorption and immune system health. A recent study found that people with lower levels of vitamin D were more likely to experience anxiety and depression.


Magnesium is a mineral that plays a role in over 300 biochemical reactions in the body. It's involved in energy production, muscle contraction, nerve function, and blood sugar control. A 2012 study found that magnesium supplementation was effective in reducing symptoms of anxiety and depression.


Zinc is an essential mineral that is involved in many processes in the body, including immune system function, cell growth, wound healing, and fertility. A 2009 study found that zinc deficiency was common among people with anxiety disorders, and that zinc supplementation improved symptoms."

Anxiety Supplements That Contain These Vitamins & Minerals

If you suspect you may be deficient in one or more of these nutrients, talk to your doctor about taking supplements. There are several different types of supplements available that can help increase your intake of these important vitamins and minerals.

Here are a few to consider:

-Multivitamin: A multivitamin is a supplement that contains many different vitamins and minerals all in one pill. This can be a good option if you're not sure which nutrient you're lacking or if you want to take a preventative approach to supplement your diet.

-Vitamin D Supplement: Vitamin D supplements are available in both pill form and as an oral solution or spray. This can be a good option if you don't get outside often or if you live in an area with long winters where sunlight is scarce.

-Magnesium Supplement: Magnesium supplements are available in pills, powders, and topical solutions. Topical solutions can be absorbed through the skin and may be particularly helpful for relaxation.

Anxiety can be debilitating and prevent people from leading normal lives. If you are struggling with anxiety, it is important to seek help and find the underlying cause.

In some cases, a vitamin deficiency may be causing your anxiety. We’ve listed the top vitamins for anxiety in the link below. Taking these vitamins may help eliminate your anxiety and allow you to live a fuller life.  

We hope this report has helped you understand causes of anxiety a little more.  Thank you for reading and happy health journey!