We all know that vitamin C is important for our health. But when it comes to kids, how much of this essential nutrient should they be getting each day?
It’s a common question among parents and caregivers, as too much of a good thing can quickly become a bad thing. Read on to learn more about the right amount of vitamin C for your kids.
Why Vitamin C Matters For Kids
Vitamin C is an essential nutrient that helps to promote healthy growth and development in children.
It supports their immune system by helping them fight off colds and other illnesses, it helps their bodies absorb iron from food sources, and it plays an important role in collagen production, which helps keep their skin looking young and healthy.
In short, vitamin C is one nutrient you want your kids to get enough of!
How Much Vitamin C Do Kids Need?
The recommended daily intake of vitamin C for children varies depending on age and gender. Generally speaking, girls between the ages of 4-8 should consume around 25 mg per day; girls 9-13 should have 45 mg; boys 4-8 should have around 30 mg, and boys 9-13 should have 40 mg per day.
Older teens may need slightly more or less depending on their size and activity level—always check with your doctor or nutritionist to find out what’s best for your child.
Be Careful With Supplements
It’s important to note that while supplements can be helpful in meeting daily recommended intakes (especially when dietary sources are insufficient), they can also be dangerous if taken in excess.
Some vitamins—like A and D—can be toxic in high doses, so it’s important to stick with the recommended amounts and never exceed them without consulting a doctor first.
When it comes to vitamins like vitamin C, however, toxicity is rare because the body simply excretes extra amounts through urine if needed.
Still, you don’t want your kid taking too much of any kind of supplement unless advised by a healthcare professional first!
When it comes to giving your kids vitamin C, moderation is key!
The recommended daily intake will vary based on age and gender, so make sure you talk with your pediatrician or nutritionist before introducing any sort of supplementation into their diets.
Eating plenty of whole foods rich in vitamin C is always the best way to ensure they are getting enough—and not too much—of this essential micronutrient but I know that can be hard with kids so that is why it great to have vitamin C around so if they start to get a little sniffle you can nip it in the bud!
I hope this report has given you the information you were looking for. If you're in the market to find the best vitamin C for you little ones to help there immune system stay at its peak, click the link below to find our top picks.
Thanks for reading and good luck keeping those little ones healthy!